Simple Bowl

You know it's been too long since you sat at your potter's wheel when the liquid in your throwing-water bucket has evaporated to the thickness of pudding.

It's been at least a month of doing other things around the studio and gallery and teaching area. Plus holiday prep around here, plus NCECA.

I woke this morning thinking about "bowliness" and by 6:30 had gone into the studio to weigh 2-lb balls of clay and throw bowls. I want to bring the essence of "bowl" to the clay. The bowl was my first and favorite form. It is generous. It contains. It offers. 

I made the bottom thin, and the walls, and neatly finished the edge of the rim. Four times, one for each 2-lb ball of clay. I am beginning to explore Bowl again in its simplicity.

Except for making the interior curve with no line of transition from wall to floor, and thinking about a balance of containing and offering, my main intent was to let go and flow with the clay. Maybe they will want to be stamped later. Maybe colored. Maybe left ivory. Maybe I don't know yet. 

Went on and threw a couple of 3-lb bowls. They are thrown equally thin. What a difference a pound of clay makes.

What does 4-lbs of clay do? ...Tomorrow. Early.

Posted on April 6, 2015 .