Refreshingly Different Chanukia (Menorah) Designs

 These chanukiot are time consuming, labor intensive, and refreshing.

You are welcome to follow the process:

(Freshly thrown and altered chanukia, made on the potter's wheel and altered, with added shamash)

(Black underglaze coats the unfired chanukia.)

(Underglaze dried; liquid wax was applied and it dried; I then cut designs through the underglaze coat.)

(Underglaze dried; liquid wax was applied and it dried; I then cut designs through the underglaze coat.)

Not done yet! Adding white, chartreuse and red underglazes...

(Chanukiot, still unfired clay, with colored underglaze inlay in some of the sgraffito decoration.)

Now to dry for about 6 days, then put them through the first (the bisque) kiln. More late next week after I glaze them and put them through the glaze fire.

(I think a silent mantra...Don't crack, chanukiot. Don't split, explode, warp or otherwise mock me. Because chanukiot in my studio have a checkered past, but these are the best yet and I'm still optimistic.)

Posted on October 20, 2014 .