Off the Drawing Board… Executing Those Stored-Up Ideas

I took an unexpected break for ill health, including surgery and gradual recovery, between June and October. Once I was happily (and most gratefully) well, I got back to the work I love. So…if you’ve missed my blog entries (and thank you if you have!) you now know why. 

It’s a fact in the life of a studio potter: In the absence of mechanized production, this is a slow process. It is utterly reliant on the ability of one person to be there to plan, explore, create and just plain work steadily. A break in the process can turn the pace to g..l..a..c..i..a..l...

Here are some of the new vessels I partly planned while I was out of commission, and partly did spontaneously as I worked. Liking the porcelain a whole lot! It throws like a dream, and lets me make what’s in my head and on my sketchpad without much fuss.


Posted on November 17, 2013 .