I'm busy loading the bisque kiln (first of two), cleaning up a messy studio, and teaching today, so here's a video to watch instead of reading my pottery musings!
(Dan at Ingleton Potters made this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frn7HmpJVVk)
Dan's got quite a few How-To videos on his Youtube channel, and he's fun and instructive. This one's quick and kind of mesmerizing. Holy Swiss cheese, Batman!
For those of you who were way ahead of me with Pinterest, I finally got onto Pinterest in the last week (click here to see my Pinterest Boards) and I'm finding it fun and habit forming. Today I added a 'Great Videos by Potters' Pinterest board to my page. There are so many cool videos to see by generous potters to be found on the Web! I'll add more as I come across what I think are the best. You can find the link to the ones I have HERE.
Happy Chanukah to my Jewish readers!! I'm celebrating, too.